
A half-breed, also known as "hybrid", is the offspring of an ordinary power-user and a muggle, or a demonic power-user.

Offspring of a Muggle and a Power-user[]

If a power-user gives birth to the child of a muggle, there are five possible results in their offspring's power development.

  1. They may not have powers of their own due to their repressing muggle bloodline.
  2. The children will be born with powers, but will be unable to control them.
  3. They develop powers as they grow, because their muggle bloodline suppressed their potentials.
  4. Their muggle statuses suppress their powers and need help to access them.
  5. They are born with powers of their own and able to control them like any other power-user.

Offspring of a Power-user and a Demonic Power-user[]

If a power-user births an offspring of a demonic power-user, there will be three possible results in their offspring's power development.

  1. They develop powers that hover between good and evil.
  2. They will be born with an alter ego that manifest from their evil powers.
  3. They will be born with only evil powers.

Notable Half-breeds[]
